Safe Haven Advisory Board Committees

The Safe Haven Advisory Board is broken out into four committees to address specific areas of expertise.

Healthcare Committee

Co-Chairs: Dr Charles Preston, STP Coroner, Richard Kramer, Executive Director, FPHSA

Purpose:  To provide a clinically integrated and centralized system of BH care using innovative models that are aligned across the Safe Haven care continuum.

Key Strategies and Tactics:

  • Standardize assessments for ED’s and coordinate with LE, EMS, 911 and others.
  • Address reduction of hospital boarding times for psych patients and how to identify and track FF
  • Are we maximizing use of existing assets for IP and OP BH care?
  • Identify medical clearance standards and criteria
  • Review proposed Safe Haven model and components: Triage/Assessment, Crisis Respite, and Social Detox
  • Identify and make recommendations for intake process, staffing and licensing for the Safe Haven model components. Review sizing recommendations.
  • Coordinate with STP government and SH Finance/ Admin committee to develop RFP’s for these proposed services
  • ID other wrap around and support services that may be needed on SH campus (housing, transportation)
  • CIN Development, Need sub committee negotiating power as part of a larger system: enter into contracts with payors
  • Increase access to med detox in region
  • PC and BH integration and alignment with Access Health/FQHC. Identify grant opportunities.
  • Review benefits and implementation strategy for telemed
  • Psych medical group model?

Training & Education Committee

Co-Chairs:  Nick Richard, Executive Director, NAMI, Wharton Muller, STPSO Major

Purpose:  This committee will coordinate the education, training and alignment of BH assessment tools, and law enforcement and first responder training programs. This committee will also develop a strategy to inform the BH provider community and residents of the continuum of care at Safe Haven and improve access of BH resources, particularly at Safe Haven.

Key Strategies and Tactics:

  • Training in standardized assessment tools for: BH professionals, LE, judicial, EMS, 911, ED and others that are part of the BH continuum
  • Coordinate CIT Training for LE, 911, EMS. Coordinate with grants to identify funding opportunities to support local training.
  • Develop training timeline, coordinated with Safe Haven milestones Train LE, EMS, ED’s and other providers and referrals to the BH system in Safe Haven resources. Change in point of entry to BH system.
  • Coordinate resource development training with MH app. Expand MH app to use by general public. Promote
  • Continue MHFA Training 2x per year
  • Discuss medical clearance in the field
  • Design process for drop off for law enforcement and first responders at Safe Haven. Train law enforcement and others on process and resources.

Executive and Strategic Planning Committee

 – Mary Burckell, Director of Safe Haven   

Purpose:  Identify public and private funding sources to create a financially sustainable plan for delivery of comprehensive behavioral healthcare resources at Safe Haven campus.

Key Strategies and Tactics:
  • Develop a budget for capital expenditures, ID short, med and long term funding targets; create funding model
  • Develop a plan to centralize or co-locate administration and shared services with tenants thereby reducing cost of overhead. Phased development plan and timeline
  • Identify and create all CEA’s between STP Government and vendor/operators
  • Identify needs for IT infrastructure development. Generate RFP for IT operator
  • Strategy for performance monitoring of the system,
  • CIN, Clinically Integrated Network, innovative funding development
  • Strategy and plan for grant writing to include but not be limited to funding for CIT training, implementation of telemedicine, Identify billing opportunities, and a plan for philanthropic fundraising
  • Develop and advertise RFP’s for assessment and triage units, crisis respite, social detox and other priority components of BH continuum
  • Identify specific resources to support housing and transportation needs for BH disorders